Sessions and fees
All day session - 8.30am/9.00am until 2.45pm
(Monday - Wednesday only)
Morning session - 8.30am/9.00am until 12.30pm
Afternoon session - 12.30pm until 2.45pm
All sessions are term time only, Monday to Friday, and we recommend a minimum of 2 sessions when registering.
Trinity Pre-school are flexible to the ever-changing needs of our parents. Please contact us if you require extra sessions.
We are now registering children for September 2022. If you are thinking about registering your child at a local pre-school and would like to visit our setting, or would like further information, please call 01329 608090 (during term time only)
or email trinitypreschoolunder5s@gmail.com.
We are delighted to be able to show parents around our setting again!
Should you require additional hours once you have used your free government funded hours, please see below.
Our current fees are set at £5.00 per hour, with a recommended attendance of two three hour sessions.
If you wish your child to start pre-school before being funded, the costs are below:
Morning session (9.00am until 12.00pm) - £15.00
Afternoon session (12.00pm until 2.45pm) - £13.75
All day (9.00am until 2.45pm) - £28.75
There is no charge for snack or consumables.
Prices will be reviewed annually and may be subject to change. Individual payment plans are available to parents upon request.
Hampshire County Council Grant Information
Every child in Hampshire is eligible for a Nursery Education Grant. This will be paid the term after your child turns 3 years of age.
There are three terms:
1 January - 31 March
1 April - 31 July
1 September - 31 December
Completely free childcare is available for up to 15 hours per week when your child is eligible. Parents are able to book additional sessions at a cost of £5.00 per hour.
Your child may be eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium. For more information, please see the link below or speak to Angela Hickman, Administration Officer.
You may be eligible for 30 free hours childcare, you can find out more information on the government website.
30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Child Care Vouchers
We accept child care vouchers from a variety of providers.
For further details, please contact Angela Hickman, Administration Officer on 01329 608090.
Snack time
Lunch time
Parents are asked to donate a piece of fruit or vegetable which will be shared and offered to all the children during the morning. Water is available throughout the day.
If you are attending an all day or an afternoon session, then a packed lunch will need to be provided.